Helicord Missions

Helicord Missions are a set of 3 card batches that the bot posts in your designated mission channel. Each mission spawn message includes:

  • An displaying the 3 missions.

  • Each mission is separated by a location name and a mission type (e.g., Rescue, Defend, Escape).

  • 3 buttons, labeled 1 to 3, are assigned to the message.

How to Participate:

  1. Choose a Mission: Click on the number button corresponding to the mission you want to attempt.

  2. Notification: The button will turn blue, indicating that the mission has been triggered, alerting all users in the channel.

  3. Join Quickly: Everyone has 10 seconds to join the same mission by clicking the corresponding button, or they will miss out on that mission.

  4. Mission Outcome:

    • After 10 seconds, the bot will notify the selected players that their team has embarked on the mission.

    • Each participating player will receive a card featured in that mission, along with 💚Favor reward. The amount of 💚Favor reflects your team's cumulative power.

Daily Challenges:

  • If you have a Daily Challenge related to the mission (by type, card rarity, or general missions), you will be notified that your progress has increased by 1.

  • For more information on Daily Challenges, refer to the Daily Challenges page.

Last updated