Daily Challenges

Daily Challenges offer you a way to earn rewards by completing specific tasks each day. Here's how they work:

Viewing and Activating Daily Challenges

  • Use the h!daily command to view your current Daily Challenges. If you are new, this command will also activate your Daily Challenges for the first time.

Types of Challenges

  • Challenges can include tasks like: "Participate in 5 Rescue Missions", "Collect 1 Epic card", etc...

  • These challenges vary daily, providing different objectives for you to complete.

Tracking Progress

  • Each time you progress in a challenge by completing a mission or fulfilling a requirement, you'll be notified of your progress.

Completing Challenges

  • Successfully completing your Daily Challenges rewards you with Daily Cosmic Cubes, which can be used for various in-game benefits.

  • Once received you can type h!use daily cube to get a random reward from the cube. Cube rewards are items, and can be seen when using the h!inventory or h!inv command.

Resetting Challenges

  • If you haven’t completed your challenges after 20 hours but want to reset them anyway, you can use the command: h!daily reset

  • This will allow you to start fresh with a new set of challenges.

Stay on top of your Daily Challenges to maximize your rewards and keep your collection growing!

Last updated