Basic Commands

Many of these commands are subject to change.

As a new user, direct message the Helicord the word start. That's it. The Helicord will then set up your discord account in the database and give you a free ★★★★★ card to start.

Basic Commands

Collection: h!collection

Shortcuts: h!cards, h!c

Usage: h!collection <@mention> <query modifiers>

This command will display a list of cards that belong to you.

Query Modifiers: If you're looking for something specific in your collection, you can use . Learn more by typing h!help collection.

View a Card: h!view

Shortcuts: h!v

Usage: h!view <code>

Use this command to view a recently obtained card.

After drawing a card from a , you'll be notified when a new card is added to your collection.

Specific Card: To view a specific card, type h!view followed by the card's serial code (found in the top left corner of the card, or beginning of the line on collection viewer).

If you want to understand the card further, you can read Anatomy of a Card.


  • This command provides an advanced method to manage your cards.

  • Features: Typing h!manage will bring up a detailed view of the selected card, allowing you to:

    • Dismiss: Quickly dismiss the card.

    • Trading Post: Manage the card within the trading post.

    • Inspect: Inspect the card more closely for detailed information.

Card Fusion: h!fuse

Shortcuts: h!f

Usage: h!fuse <code> <code>

This command allows you to fuse two cards of the same character, even if they have different art, to combine their power values into one.

Learn more by typing h!help fusion.

Give Card: h!give

Shortcuts: h!g

Usage: h!give <code> <@mention>

Use this command followed by a card's serial code to give a card you own to someone else.

Your Team: h!team

Shortcuts: h!t

Usage: h!t <code> <position>

This command brings up your current team.

Team Power: The accumulative power of your equipped team (comprised of 3 cards) affects the potential amount of 'favor' you can gain passively from completing missions.

Equip a Card: To equip a card to a specific position on your team, type h!team followed by the card's serial code, and then the position number (1 to 3).

Tag Cards: h!tag

Usage: h!tag <code> <emoji> "<tag>"

Use this command to tag a card you own with a specific tag.

Tag Format: The tag must be wrapped in quotation marks "".

Multiple Tags: You can tag multiple card codes at once.

Default Tagging: If no card code is provided, the command will automatically apply the tag to the last card obtained.

Query Tagged Cards: Tagged cards can be filtered in your collection using the t: Query Modifier in the h!collection command.

View Tags: To see all the tags you have used, type h!taglist.

Dismiss Card: h!dismiss

Usage: h!dismiss <code>, h!dismiss t:<tag>

This command allows you to dismiss an undesirable recently earned card in exchange for units.

Specific Dismissal: Follow the command with a specific serial code to dismiss a particular card.

Multiple Dismissals: Dismiss multiple cards at once by specifying the tag with the query modifier t:tagname.

Check Cooldowns: h!cooldowns

Shortcuts: h!cd

Check to see your current cooldown in discord's relative time format.

  • Team Mission Cooldown of 10 minutes.

  • Mission Spawn Cooldown of 30 minutes.

  • Daily Challenges Reset Cooldown of 20 hours.

  • voting for tickets Cooldown of 12 hours.

Check Currency Balance: h!bal

Use this command to see your currency balances, which include Units, Tickets, and Favor.

💠Units: Obtained by dismissing cards and selling cards on the trading post. This is the only tradeable currency.

🎟️Tickets: Earned by voting on, used to buy convenience items like Gift of Speed (resets your mission cooldown).

💚Favor: Gained through collecting cards from mission spawns, used to purchase various items to aid in your collecting journey.

Check Your Item Inventory: h!inv

This command will display a list of items in your account's inventory.

Items vs. Cards: Items are separate from cards and are stored in a different database.

Use an Item: h!use

Usage: h!use <item name> <card code>

Use this command followed by an item name (or an approximate name) to use the item.

Item Name: You do not need to write the full name of the item; a close approximation will work.

Spawn Mission: h!drop

This command allows you to spawn a set of 3 missions in the designated channel.

You can read more on Missions here.

Mission Spawns: Normally, the bot spawns 3 missions every 10 minutes, triggered by messages in the channel.

Manual Spawn: You can manually trigger a set of 3 missions every 30 minutes by using this command, allowing you and your guild members to choose from the generated missions.

Use these commands to start building your collection and optimizing your team in Helicord!

Last updated